
Bou 'n Christus gebasseerde roeping vir Afrika

Wat is die Here se wil vir ons vir vandag hier in die Suidpunt
van Afrika? Hoe lyk Sy wil in verskillende omstandighede?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Listening to the Beat of a Different Ministry Drum

"What is the DNA’s (Discipelin the Nations Alliance, on who's ideas Hope for Africa was founded) track record for the eventual self-funding of your programs by local leaders?"
Someone asked me that last week. It's a fair question, but it doesn't apply to the Disciple Nations Alliance because it presupposes a ministry approach we avoid.
Let me explain by quoting a dear friend, Randy Hoag, former president of Food for the Hungry. Randy has worked in international Christian ministry for over 30 years. Much of the ethos of the DNA can be traced to his innovative, biblical ideas about cross-cultural ministry with the poor. Here's what Randy said in a recent interview on Ministry Spotlight:
"One of the greatest lessons I learned during my career has to do with the importance of the process of development. Typically what happens with organizations [including local churches] is that they go into an impoverished community, see problems, and have an immediate idea of what needs to be done. These organizations typically have lots of resources (at least in the eyes of the community), and they feel the need--often with good intentions--to solve problems. So they design a project, find funding, and essentially do the project. Later on, they try to develop local leaders to take over the project so they can move on to other communities.
"What I found in practice, however, is that this doesn't work well. What works better is just the opposite. First, develop local leaders. Encourage them to do small projects with their own resources. This helps them build confidence and learn how to work together in harmony in the community. As they gain practice in that process, then it may be appropriate to bring in outside resources."
What Randy describes first is the default for most churches and organizations involved in ministry among the poor. Because the second model challenges this approach, it is not well understood. The Disciple Nations Alliance subscribes to this second, misunderstood model.
Through our Vision Conference, we start with local leaders and ideas—not with outside projects or money. We equip them to think more biblically about their critical role in developing their communities and nations. We help them identify and use their own resources, so that from the very beginning projects are locally conceived, owned, and funded. These "Seed Projects" are blessed by God, and many grow into significant local ministries.
I've seen the power of this approach and am convinced that it is not only far more effective, but more biblical as well.
- Scott Allen

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Biblical Reconciliation at Natanje!

Biblical Reconciliation at Natanje!
A Biblical Worldview and Transformational Development Conference were conducted at Natanje, Mozambique from 27-30 of September 2010 by Hope for Africa in partnership with Hande Vat Project and the Reformed Church of Mozambique. Hein van Wyk, Johannes Aucamp and Danie Murray facilitated the Conference.
Thirty five delegates from the communities of Natanje, Ile and Napipi attended the three day Conference. Together they represent three denominations.
The Conference was hosted and organised by Past Carlos Herbert from the IRM Congregation at Natanje. This was the first time that a Conference of this kind was arranged and funded by the local community. The successful hosting of the Conference, which was done in a sustainable manner i n the local economy, is a huge step forward in cultural transformation. The impact and outcome of the Conference build capacity and gave confidence for similar conferences in future.    
The outcomes of the conference were to see a growing vision for community development through cultural transformation, a basic understanding of worldview and of the role of the Church in society. All of this is practically applied through the demonstration of God’s love in every area of community life.

During the conference the delegates had the opportunity to deal with cultural lies like tribalism, male superiority and the worship of the ancestors in practical small group discussions.

During the conference the delegates had a number of opportunities to demonstrate God’s love in practical ways to one another and to the community. This include
o   Washing one another’s clothes
o   Help to wash dishes
o   Cleaning the church premises
o   Cleaning shoes
o   Serving coffee
o   Buying and giving away sugar cane
o   Cleaning a motor vehicle
o   Cleaning floors

The impact of the conferences is seen n the testimony of one of the delegates. He experienced hostility in his family for 7 years and as a direct result of the Conference, reconciled with them. This s his story n his own words:

My father lost his life. There were other brothers that came and took our fields. Nearly 7 years passed that we never talked to those brothers. But because of yesterday’s teaching it touched my heart. When left here yesterday I didn’t go to my house; I went directly there. When I arrived there, they greeted me asking how s your family. At home it is well, but I come from the church now. I said that because you are my brother the hostility must stop; we need to talk and we need to share and we need to walk together. They saw it as a strange thing. I said these things, the hostility, are things of the world. We need to forget things. One day we will be together in paradise and we will be happy. My brother asked me where I got these thoughts. I said that it is not by my power and my word but through the Holy Spirit that came to me so that we can be one in Christ.
This morning he came to my house and he brought a bag of his rice and we ate it together. This means that our relationship is now good again. 

Further results of the Conference included action plans drew up by delegates for the communities of Napipi, Natanje and Ile.  The Conference also provided the opportunity for Pastors Souza Estaforde (IRM Luala) and Jose Ganhale (IRM Malimwe) to be involved in the facilitation of these Conferences as third generation mentorees.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Discovery of Church Unity in the diversity of Muembe district

Discovery of Church Unity in the diversity of Muembe
A Biblical Worldview and Transformational Development Conference were conducted in Chiconono, Mozambique from 23-25 September 2010 by Hope for Africa in partnership with Hande Vat Project and the Reformed Church of Mozambique. Hein van Wyk, Johannes Aucamp and Danie Murray facilitated the Conference.
Twenty five delegates from the communities of Chiconono and Muembe attended the three day Conference. Together they represent two denominations.
The Conference was hosted and organised by Aubi Banda from the IRM Congregation at Chiconono. This was the first time that a Conference was arranged and funded by the local community of Chiconono. It was also the first time that a multi-denominational gathering of this kind happened among the Yao people.  
The outcomes of the conference were to see a growing vision for community development through cultural transformation, a basic understanding of worldview and of the role of the Church in society. All of this is practically applied through the demonstration of God’s love in every area of community life.

During the conference the delegates had the opportunity to deal with cultural lies like tribalism, male superiority and the worship of the ancestors in practical small group discussions.

The delegates also had opportunities to demonstrate God’s love in practical ways to one another and to the community. This include
o   Washing one another’s clothes
o   Cleaning the church premises
o   Cleaning shoes
o   Buying and giving away sugar cane
o   Giving away clothing and a radio
o   Cleaning floors
o   Sharing the Gospel
o   Prayer for sick people
o   Carry heavy things for others
o   Helping with small tasks in the community

Finally delegates gathered in community and denominational groups to discuss follow up plans to the Conference.
Soli Deo Gloria! 


Die handevat bediening het 'n proses aan die gang gesit om gemeentes in RSA met gemeentes in Mosambiek te verbind. Ons noem dit tweeling gemeentes. In die meeste gevalle is daar ook hulp aan die plaaslike dominee betrokke hierby. Normaalweg behels dit 'n R500 per maand vir die dominee omdat gemeentes nog nie geleer het om 'n dominee te onderhou nie. Dit is egter baie belangrik dat plaaslike gemeentes ook begin bydrae sodat dit nie net weer afhanklikheid bevorder nie. Om die proses voort te sit raak dit egter belangrik dat Mosambiekse gemeentes daarby betrokke moet wees. Die proses word dikwels baie vertraag deurdat dominees nie kans sien om vir die gemeentes te vertel dat hulle hulp kry en hoeveel dit is nie. Die redes verstaan mens ook en is die volgende:
Gemeentes is gewoonlik in baie landelike omgewings waar mense met vreeslik min geld oorleef en die bedrag klink vir plaaslike mense vreeslik baie. Dominees wat van ander omgewings af inkom het klaar 'n baie groot probleem om verhoudings met ouderlinge te bou want hulle sien hom as iemand wat hulle krag en status kom steel. As hulle dan hiervan hoor word daar gereken dat dit hulle geld is wat deur die dominee gevat word en kan dit die verhouding net nog moeiliker maak.
Verder is dit baie moeilik vir dominees om vir mense te leer dat die kerk nie 'n plek is waar ontvang word nie, want dit is die algemene verstaan van kerk. Die gemeentes in Mosambiek moet ook bydrae vir dominees. As hulle hoor dat die dominee soveel geld kry dan voel hulle dat dit glad nie nodig is om iets vir hom te gee nie en verwag hulle net meer hy moet hulle help.

Die dominee gesels met ons en kom sterk onder die indruk daarvan dat hy graag eerlik met sy gemeente wil wees. Ek probeer dit selfs afraai ter wille van die negatiewe effek wat dit kan he, maar hy gaan voort om my te vra om eerlik vir sy gemeente te vertel. (probeer altyd op die punt kom dat daar 'n plaaslike behoefte daarvoor is en dit vat soms baie lank).
Ek preek die Sondag oor leuens en waarheid en hoe ons tradisies in Mosambiek dikwels die waarheid verdraai. Daar is dus 'n sterk bewustheid om vanuit Bybelse waarheid te wil lewe. Na die diens bly 'n klompie vrouens en ouderlinge agter om te gesels oor die gemeente. Ons gesels eers oor die groei in die gemeente en wys hulle op die persoon in RSA wat vir hulle bid. (in hulle geval nie 'n RSA gemeente nie, maar 'n individu). Ons praat oor wat die dominee nodig het om sy werk te doen. Ons maak 'n klomp somme en bewys dat die dominee net vir sy vervoer ongeveer 450 rand nodig het per maand. Hulle word skielik met groot bedrae gekonfronteer (2300 Meticais). Toe lig ek hulle in van die persoon wat hulle dominee help met R500. Daar word gevra of dit genoeg is en hulle sien dat dit amper net die vervoer dek. Hulle dominee kan nog nie eet of kinders skool toe stuur ens nie.
Hier verduidelik ons dat die persoon in RSA weet dit is te min, want hulle wil in vennootskap met die gemeente ingaan om saam te werk. Dit is egter goed om vir die ondersteuner in te lig wat word aan die kant gedoen, want hulle wil graag saam werk. Op die ou end word gesien dat daar tot dusver nog omtrent geen plaaslike bydrae was nie. Die dominee het eie besighede wat hom ook ondersteun en ons gesels daaroor dat hulle nie daarna moet kyk nie, want daar kan vorentoe 'n ander dominee kom en verder is hulle besig om hulle eie groei te verhinder as hulle nie begin help nie.
Ons kom toe by die punt waarop ek 'n video van hulle gaan neem en hulle vir die persoon in RSA 'n boodskap kan stuur. Hulle het toe op hulle eie gesit en 'n boodskap voorberei. Met die terugkom het ek die boodskap opgeneem waar die ouderling, toe 'n vrou en daarna 'n dominee gepraat het. Die boodskap het gese dat hulle nog swak is, maar dat hulle graag wil groei en vra dus voorbidding. Verder se hulle dankie vir die bydrae aan hulle dominee en vra dat dit moet voort gaan indien moontlik. Omdat daar ook siekte in die persoon se familie is, word daar dan ook voorbidding daarvoor belowe. Verder vertel hulle van hulle werk om stene te maak om 'n nuwe kerkgebou op te rig. Ek kon hulle werk dan ook op die video vasvang.

Die soort van groei prosesse kan dalk as eenvoudig en stadig klink, maar ek dink dit is van die kosbaarste goed wat in God se koninkryk kan gebeur! Ek hoop dat daar baie is wat my dankbaarheid teenoor die Here deel en dalk onthou om vir die prosesse in te tree.