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Tuesday, December 3, 2013
DRC Presbytery Task group for "Fresh Expressions of Church" and involvement
The presbytery talked about "Fresh expressions" of MSM and evaluated that we need to do something like that in Brackenfell. They elected representatives from the four congregations and asked this task group to start a Fresh Expression in Brackenfell. I were asked to help in this initiative.
After two meetings we start to form ideas on how this approach can help the community of Brackenfell. I am the only one in the group that did the training.
I still do not know how this initiative will develope, but I am enthusiastically part of it. I firmly believe that it is a step in the right direction.
New expressions of Church and involvement
It is an initiative that created 80% of new growth of churches in the UK. The basis of this movement is missional. The church as it exists today, do not manage to get people back to the pews. Even if the church do their work, which they did up to now, very well, they have the potential to reach only a very small portion of the population. Most of the population will not sit in a pew again. Something else is necessary. In Brackenfell we know we have about 300 000 people and in all the christian churches together, there is a membership of about 12 000. Most people are not negative towards christianity, but will not sit on pews on Sundays.
New expressions of Church is giving the church training, not to get people in the Church building, but to go out and reach the people that will not come. It is possible to create an expression of church in the community that looks and functions differently, without giving away the biblical principles of being church.
MSM worked out a course of 24 modules on subjects like: Prayer, Sacrements, Discipleship, Small groups, etc. I participated in them and found them very useful. I believe that this course will help many churches in South-Africa also. The DRC already included this course on the training of new Reverents.
Read more about MSM at:
I were asked by the MSM South-African group to be part of in their planning and training group for 2014 and also present some of the modules. I believe that I can play a roll in a process to adapt this training for the South-African situation. I believe that this training will help many churches in South-Africa.
This year more than 50 leaders were trained and next year it looks as if more people will be trained.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
With Annlin congregation in Mozambique (Mocuba and arround)
With Villiersdorp in Mozambique (Pemba)
Pasted after hard work |
We had nice seafood to eat |
With Strand Congregation in Mozambique

Friday, May 10, 2013
Relativism and truth
Taking God out of creation creates a culture of death. Then there is no base for values and everything became relative. The consequence of relativism is death.
We need christians that will be able to live out a life of love in contrast to this relativistic culture.To live out the absolute truth of a good and a real God.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Darrow Miller shared a moment from his lifestory:
One of the milestones in my life was 1969 in L’Abri, Switzerland. Marilyn and I were studying with the Schaeffers. We were living in the home of Udo and Debbie (Schaeffer) Middelmann. One Sunday evening Udo said to me “You know, Christianity is true even if you do not believe it!” These words were a shock to me. In church, in my discipleship program, and in seminary, I had been taught that Christianity was true precisely because I believed it.
After two sleepless nights, I realized what Udo was saying. Christianity is true, even if no one in the world believed it. It is true because God exists! It is true to reality! It was at that moment that I realized that I had a “born again” heart, but my mind had never been born again. I had the mind of an atheistic materialist. If there is no God, there is no truth. All things (including morals and beauty, for example) are relative. Your truth is whatever you choose to believe.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Work towards heaven
Darrow Miller helped me to see something new.
Rev 21:24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.
Here the Bible talk about the new earth. Interesting enough the verse talk about kings of the earth. It helped me to understand that what we do here will be part of the new earth. That is why beauty is important. This help me to be motivated to show beauty through art and home. It helps me to understand why it is important to reign well and bring God's Kingdom principles in politics so that it can display His heart towards the world. This is why law needs His righteousness, to live out His Kingdom. Science can stand in awe for what God created and motivate us to know more to serve the world better. So we can continue.....
Darrow ends his article with:
Consider well how you spend your time, how you invest your life. The things you do on earth, for good or ill, count for eternity. What you create in this life that honors God may be transposed, at the end of time, to an adornment in His eternal kingdom.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Visit to Marlow (England)

Sunday, March 17, 2013
Agenda for Danie Murray's visit in Marlow
Danie, It is becoming clear to me that we want to learn about your mission and explore how we can shape our own mission better
18-Mar Monday Depart Cape Town
19-Mar Tuesday Arrive Heathrow
20-Mar Wednesday
9 am Reflections by the Thames, Sharing
Easy afternoon, 8pm dinner with "missionaries"
21-Mar Thursday
10 am Meet with minister Richard Becher @ his house, Sharing about World view and basics of faith learned from Mozambique
8pm Talk: Taking Hands in Mozambique @ St. Andrews Sharing about Christians and their challenges in Mozambique
22-Mar Friday
9 am Reflections by the Thames
Boulters Lock, Brewery, Pub lunch
2 pm Wycliffe, tea at Alison's,
8pm Dialog: God's plan for us (part 1).
23-Mar Saturday
11 am Visit Chefs for Jesus in High Wycombe. Food for the needy
6:30 pm Dinner: Gospel and Outreach @ Christ Church Outreach principles and discuss how does a small church far away make a difference.
24-Mar Sunday
10:30 am Preach to Christ Church Congregation
2pm Church walk - Marlow Donkey to Bourne End Walking and talking Meet people from another church
25-Mar Monday
Spend the day sightseeing in London
8pm Dialog: God's plan for us (part 2)
26-Mar Tuesday
9 am Reflections by the Thames, then Costa Coffee
7:30-9:00pm Crypt Café - then Marlow FM interview at 9:15 pm Faith and cultures? Young people in Crypt for radio conversation.
27-Mar Wednesday
8 am Meet ministers at Grefriars / Hospital Chaplaincy
8 pm Meet the Wargrave house group in Wargrave Teaching and Challenging
28-Mar Thursday
Visit to Windsor castle, tea with the Queen
7:00 pm Maunday lamb dinner at Christ Church
29-Mar Friday
10 am Good Friday Service, inter dominational. 20 min talk Christ as base of mission.
Meeting friends from Holland
30-Mar Saturday
9 am Prayer Breakfast, then Moz 2013 plans @ Christ Church Everyone prays, then open agenda
31-Mar Sunday
10:30 am Worship with Christ Church congregation
Dinner @ George's house
01-Apr Monday
9 am Prayers on Winter Hill with CTM, Lunch minister and Elders
7pm Depart for Heathrow for 9pm flight Martin
02-Apr Tuesday Flying to Capetown
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Future Process of Mission in Mozambique
The blue line on the Graph is the line of visible growth in the
- 1. Continue to focus on building the invisible foundation and don’t be too concerned about the visible decline. As long as we have open doors in Mozambique, we need to continue the good work and demonstrate that our Lord is their friend and saviour.
- 2. As we became more uncertain about agreements with the Church, I belief that we accept the uncertainty as part of our sacrifices. We will find time to help the church on this aspect. To fight for our interests as we understand it now, will not help the growth of the Church.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Afskeidsbesoek aan Mosambiek
Letter from Tumbine synod to all supporters
Fundada em 1908 em Mphatso, Angónia-Província de Tete
We therefore have much appreciation for the work done by Pastor Danie Murray. In many ways we will build on it in future. The time has now come to take responsibility ourselves for the conferences and training that he has done within the IRM. We will in future communicate directly with our supporting partners . Pastor Jose Matique was appointed liason officer in Pastor Danie’s place and he will see that good effective communication are done with our partners and supporting congregations. Specifically we have decided to continue with the vision conferences and will liaise with facilitators involved.
At Chiconono we are busy arranging a meeting in February with SIM and Aubi Banda and leaders from the local congregation to plan the ministry as well as the radio ministry.
Also as part of the evaluations we have restructured the Literacy ministry. This included some staff changes. We will shortly liaise with the supporting congregation in South Africa on these matters. We however want to stress the hugely positive influence of this ministry. This restructuring will keep this project on track.
The medical project are currently in a stage of consultation with partners in South Africa and the Netherlands. Hopefully this will be on track shortly.
The agricultural project are on track with minor administrative issues that will be talked through with the supporting group in South Africa.
Pastor Kobus Eksteen and his wife Nana are now appointed to serve in a youth/children ministry. We await eagerly their return from holiday to support them in this new venture.
We are still fully committed to the ministry amongst the Muslims in the Quionga area. We encourage the Thiarts to further community relations in the area. The IRM offer their help if needed.
The ministry at Namavi by Johan and Enna Dames is an encouragement to many Their positive involvement in the community serves as a witness to the work they do.
God takes good care of us, and like Paul, we don’t request your partnership with us because we just have to have your money. Sure, we could do more and go more places if we had more money, but that really isn’t the point. There is a benefit to you in partnership that we can’t take credit for, any more than we can take credit for the anointing flowing through us. It just happens. If you partner with us, you will have a share in everything we do. That’s the nature and purpose of partnership.
We are heading a time of even more uncertainty and change. We need each other even more .
We trust that you would gain confidence in our leadership. This will and must result in even better cooperation and unity in future.
May His name be Glorified
Pastor Ualize
On behalf of Tumbine Executve