My visit to Marlow in the
United Kingdom was a very busy time and I would like to give you a glimpse in
some of the activities I participated in.

We went on a several
walks with sometimes only one or two friends and on other occasions we were
groups of members from other churches. It was around 0 degrees Celsius on most
of the walks but that did not stop us. The walks helped to build relationships
and we had good conversations and prayed together for the work in England and
in Mozambique.
Our Marlow friends
prayed and will pray a lot for the work in Mozambique, for the future of the
Taking Hands ministry and for the work in Gods kingdom also in England. They
testified that this visit was a blessing for them. It helped them to feel
closer to one another and it created a new peak in their enthusiasm for their
calling. The visit also cemented our long distance friendship and together we
are determined to keep our zeal alive for God and His kingdom.
Talks with other
dominations in Marlow and neighboring towns:
In Reading there is a
weekly meeting of leaders from many denominations. In the first meeting we had
about 35 people and when they were introduced to me, they asked me to speak of
the work in Mozambique. I used the time to tell about the challenges of the
church to make the Kingdom of God visible. We have many churches but mostly the
Kingdom of God is still not visible outside the church. We talked about the
challenge of being church but without an influence on the community.
I told them how I and
pastor Ualize visited the house of a Lomwe speaking elder. We found him in his
garden and helped him for a while before going to his house. There we sat down
on small wooden benches about 10 cm high. After greeting and talking about
family, he told us about his past. How he dreamed about a man that was
convicted and died but was innocent. Later this man rose from the dead. Only years
later he discovered through missionaries that this man is Jesus. He dreamed
another dream where this man asked him to go to the protestant church. From
that time he participated in the church and became an elder, but he do not
manage to pray. Firstly I told him how God see our problems and want to help,
the way He did it, was to become a human himself. He came to the earth. Today
He continues to do that by living in us and as we visit one another we
demonstrate His presence to one another. I went and sit before him in the dust
and demonstrate how God came to His house not to judge him, but to be with him
and to serve us. So today he may know
that God is in his house even closer to him than me sitting before him. I told
him what He did to our sins, so we can be free to be near Him. Do not feel
afraid or burdened by our sins and weaknesses. Then I told him that we do not
have to use good language or beautiful words like some in the church. I asked
him if he can talk to me. He replied, yes. I told him that God is in his house
like me and that he can talk to Him even in Lomwe, like he talk to his wife and
This is a small story
to demonstrate to the Lomwe man that God came to his life in his house, this
story can be in a business or factory or parliament etc. If God are the reason
for what we do, life will be transformed. You change from being a receiver to a
giver. You change from looking at membership and buildings to look at a life
that serve and change corruption to righteousness, etc. Gods Kingdom is
becoming visible in our community. We can’t accept a structural church with a
lot of programs but without making His kingdom visible in our communities.
Some of the leaders
came back to me to talk more about this challenge and how to help the church to
be effective in influencing the community. They were touched by this challenge.
We had a second
meeting with more than 40 leaders. I heard about many initiatives of working
with people that do not have enough to eat, with prostitutes, with youth and
ex-offenders. Furthermore they prayed together and had joint meditations.
Chefs for Jesus and
Costa Coffee:
I visited two other
interesting programs. One they call “Chefs for Jesus”. They give food and
clothes to street people and some members are available to listen to people,
evangelize and pray. It was still snowing when I was there, but still there
were people coming in, eating and talking. The other program is the initiative
of the minister of the Marlow congregation. Richard Becher sits in a coffee
shop every Tuesday with a sign that he is ready to listen to people. Some people
do come up and talk at this table in the corner of the shop. Richard is also
involved in the Hospital Chaplaincy and I had the privilege to visit the
Hospital with him.
African Evening:
To put the focus on
mission work we also had one evening where the church asked a chef from Kenya
to make African food and they had decorated the hall in African cloth. They had
invited people from all churches in Marlow and the neighbouring areas to come
and 55 people turned up. I spoke about the importance of relationships in
mission work. The evening was rounded off by a half hour choir concert of the
local school, singing gospel songs. The local paper also reported about this evening.
I also ran a seminar called “God’s Plan for Us”
which was 4 hours long and spread over two evenings. We made a short analysis
of the community of Marlow and then talked about the roots that cause the
problems of the community. We then talked about the new roots in Christ and how
we can grow to be rooted firmly in Him. Then we talk about transformation of
communities and how we can create a better future through service. We all
walked away with a homework assignment to practice doing small deeds of
I preached the Palm
Sunday and was given the text of Phil 2 and some verses in Mathew about Jesus
on the donkey. We looked at a King who demonstrated His kingdom through
Maundy Thursday:
On the Thursday we had
a meal together in the church with Holy Communion and meditation. I lead this
meeting and talked about the reality of God as the basis of everything. It has
a specific liturgy, but I enjoyed this experience. They call it the “Maundy
meal” in remembrance of the Lord’s last supper with his disciples. They served
traditional food like lamb, unleavened bread and basic vegetables. A part of
the service is to wash people’s feet as humble servants, just like Jesus did.
Good Friday:
On Good Friday the
Churches together in Marlow arranged a walk through town with a cross. After
the walk we met in the park where we praised the Lord together and had a
meditation. Then we went to the big Church of England across the road. It is a
big building full of symbolism and many graves, candles etc. I was asked to
talk about the two murderers that died with Christ and the promise of paradise.
I talked about the criminal who could see hope and something special in the
life of this man Jesus and how he gave himself to this man in his final hour on
the cross. I talked longer than they asked me to, but according to people who
were there, God blessed us together. It was a unique experience to talk in one of
those old massive churches with a lot of symbols and traditions. I think that
church should be about 700 years old.
On Sunday the minister
and I jointly performed the church service. I talked about Mary who went to the
grave and thought that Jesus was the gardener. How Jesus called her name and
demonstrated how He committed Himself to a relationship with us within all our
pains and fears. How He brings new hope and future.
Time to see the
There also was some time
to be a tourist. One day we went to London and saw Trafalgar Square, Buckingham
palace, Big Ben, the London Eye, bridges, Art Museum, travel shop, Science
museum and the underground trains. In spite of the cold we bought ice cream. It
did not melt! Another day we spent visiting the Queen’s castle in Windsor and
heard about its amazing history. On another day I went to Oxford the university
town, another town with a huge legacy. We saw the places where they made the
Harry Potter films in Christ Church. In the church were names of many South-African
towns in the Free State, because in these towns some of their members died
during the Boer-war in 1902.
The radio
One evening I came on
a discussion of the local radio station in a program called Faith Matters on
Marlow FM 97.5. Richard Becher was the
interviewer and he interviewed me and two other ministers. Between playing
Christian music we talked for two hours about discipleship and I shared stories
from Mozambique.
Christian men’s
One of the highlights
was an evening meeting with a group of Christian men. We really shared very
honestly about our faith and challenges of the church. The challenges in our
days are big challenges, but we also shared about a hope for change much bigger
than that. Our God is bigger than our understanding and therefore also bigger
than our questions and doubts. We believe that He will bring transformation
through us. They confirmed later that they really enjoyed this evening, the
Mozambique stories and the challenge to think where the
church happens from Monday to Saturday.
All in all, I was
blessed and my world became much bigger than before. As my life was enriched, I
intend to share myself more and more where ever the Lord will place me next. It
is also good to hear that the conversations we started are still continuing. Together
we are planning and thinking about the future and believe that it is part of
Gods plan, although we do not know how it will look like. Thanks guys!
Vier jaar van my lewe in UK gewees maar is seker die vier weke in Mosambiek het net soveel meer beteken. Lekker om te lees, lekker om te sien, stukkie van twee lewens in een brief. Dankie vir Ds se skrywe, geniet dit altyd. Baie sterkte vir toekoms, ons bid dink aan Ds, dankie vir alles. S en M
ReplyDeleteWerklik besonder om te lees, ds.Danie! Dit is inspirasie vir my hier in Spanje, waar die Katolieke verstaan van God, via Maria en die vele heiliges en afbeeldings, die aanvaarde norm is. Die ervarings van Mosambiek le diep, en versterk mens daagliks.
ReplyDeleteBaie dankie dat u steeds aanhou om soveel te gee - dit is en bly 'n inspirasie!
Met dank, gebed en die seker wete dat God, alleen, in beheer is en bly!