We walk down the hill
over the bare granite rocks to visit an Elder
of the congregation of the IRM (Igreja
Reformada em Mozambique) in Ile Mozambique. The
people received the gospel for the first time less than 100 years ago. The
Lomue people are very traditional and as I start to understand something of the
culture, I am amazed at the joy, humanity and respect in their
relationships. It is something to experience, although you have
to be able to lay down your own thinking and cultural setting. The congregation
is still very young and the people are in the church for different reasons
witch I will not call Biblical reasons. Then you get people like this man who
was sent twice in dreams to become a Christian. In
the first dream he met a person who
suffered and died and then rose from the dead and invited him
to come to him.
He had
the dreams in the colonial times when the Catholic Church was the only
Christian church and unfortunately was closely linked to the government. They
did not train people and had a lot of strange ideas. They even persecuted the
then new Protestant church by burning churches and killing
leaders. In this setting the second dream then sent him to the protestant
I think that he believes
that the forefathers sent him. So first we talked about a God who
gives you choices, and that he may choose for himself. He is now a leader
in the church, but he does not manage to pray. If he tries to
pray, he starts crying. I explained to him the basics of prayer
and that going to church with a well dressed pastor and other members and using
different words than the normal conversations gave us a wrong idea of what communication with God is. The other lie is that the Lomue people see
themselves as not worthy and made in a class very far from God. They
believe that you need special ways to get your words to God and mostly they
believe that it is not possible to talk to God.
Firstly I told him the
story of the ants. How someone wanted to help the ants in their struggle to
carry their food to the nest. Each time he wants to help them with his finger
the ants attack him or flee. So he discovered that the only way to help ants is
to become an ant himself. Then I went and sat on the
ground before them to illustrate this. I
asked him if God knows his
house. He said yes, then I told him how the curtain of the temple
was torn when Jesus died, the curtain to the holiest of
holies and the people. He could interpret the significance. As I sit
here before him, so God is here and incarnated as a Lomue who
speaks Lomue. He knows all the struggles and shares
his house with him, like me sitting here before him. I asked him if he can talk
to me. Yes he can and then I told him that Jesus likes more to hear him speaking normal Lomue. If he speaks normal Lomue, he can express himself better and therefore it is better for God also. The same way he talks to his wife and children he can
talk to Him. Further that crying is one of the best prayers, because you show
Him your heart. The traditions that tell him that he is far from God is a lie.
The idea that prayer is a church thing and a formal thing is a lie. We do not
have to impress Him with clothes or any other thing. I also had to tell Him how
God does not push him away when he does
things wrongly or make mistakes. We treated Him
as enemy, but the day that we talk to Him, He accepted us, because the price
for the bad relationship was already paid!

To go and sit down
before the man also touched me, because it became clearer for me, how God
incarnated in our lives in so many different settings. This attitude and
identity of God of having compassion and then incarnate it
in our lives to help, is the same Identity or new life that God
gives us. Now we start to incarnate in the lives of others in other cultures.
Not thinking of our position, but serving. Phil 2:6.
In the second house the
deacon and his wife told us that they do not have a very good relationship. We
listened to some wonderful ideas of him in his business to serve others. Then
we identified the problems of his family as the most important matter to start with.
His marriage relationship is the foundation for his business and his
position as a leader
in the church. If that foundation is not strong the rest will also suffer. I
took the agreement between God and man as the basis for our relationships
because Paul did the same. We first tried to understand Gods agreement with us.
Firstly it starts because God is good and He cares.
His identity is becoming ours through Jesus and therefore we learn first to
care. To have the heart of God for my husband or wife is the first vision that
we can strive for. We should have
our partner’s growth as our aim. After that we took the fruit of the Spirit of
Gal 5:22 as part as our vision. We took for example peace and that it means to
accept all weaknesses of the other, to have gratitude towards God for the
other. To have patience is important and to
make your agreement with God more
important than the hurt you receive from your
partner. Especially Kindness was very important in a culture where power en
control is so important. Self control is also very important in what you want,
also for the sexual relationship towards your partner or
when you are outside in the community. It is very useful to start from God and His covenant with
us and then identify it as God’s Identity. From here you understand that God is
recreating His identity towards us and
now we are living that identity towards, firstly, our spouses and then towards
church, friends and at the end enemies, reflecting
God’s Identity like a mirror. In our conversation it is
good to take for example kindness, understanding how
we can be kind and then see how a kind person treats
a situation differently.
I picked up some
challenges for the pastor and his wife and working with the deacon I could see
that he translated everything with enthusiasm. I believe that he took the
challenge and vision also for his own family.
In the previous
congregation we talked a lot about service and the pastor started the next
morning to sweep around the house, something he had
not done before. Further he helped in making food. How much do we value
these things in money?
I think you can understand
why I enjoy this work and also why it is so important to visit people in their homes. It does not mean that the sacrifices do not
sometimes make me struggle. This thing about TIME is for example sometimes
terrible. You are in a hurry to be back before dark and the pastor is also in a
hurry, but apparently in a very different way!
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